Sunday, March 7, 2010

My First Ever Blog. Wow.

I’ve been thinking about writing a blog since blogs first started to become popular. When I first heard of them, I figured I’d start one before too long. But I didn’t. Honestly, it has made me nervous. Blogging makes you vulnerable – at least for me it seems to. If I am going to share at all, you are going to see at least parts of the real me. I need to be okay with putting myself out there. I need to be okay with taking risks again. So I’m starting a blog J Thank you to Amy Wollmer Miraflor, SoShawna Foster Gray, and Cheyenne Johnson for inspiring me to do some writing of my own (btw: I read all three of your blogs faithfully – great stuff!)

The question is where to start?!?! Hmm, okay something really random…

We live in a small apartment complex where there are only 6 or so units. Soon after moving in, we briefly met some nice young men who live in one of the units. They were friendly but not too friendly, quiet, and easy-going (perfect neighbors, right?) Before long, we noticed a pretty much ever-present marijuana smell lingering outside around their apartment, then understanding the reason behind them being so chill. This didn’t phase me a bit (always pleasant, never aggressive!) Anyway, around the time I was six months prego, I started noticing this NASTY, stale, rotten, skunk-ish smell around our kitchen and near our hall closets. I thought there was something decomposing in my kitchen, but I couldn’t find anything!! It was driving me batty, but it wasn’t until my smart lil’ bro came and visited that I found out what the smell actually was. He went right to one of our vents and told me, um, sis…your neighbors aren’t just smoking weed. They’re growing it, and the smell is seeping in through the vents! So ever since then the smell has seemed to get worse, and I’m worried about this having some kind of adverse affect on my baby’s lungs. Is that possible??? It’s not smoke coming through the vents; it’s the smell of the marijuana growing. Anyone have an inside scoop on something like this?

Okay totally changing gears…

Today we had Sydney’s baby dedication at church. It was really beautiful. Of course our pastor said touching things, and we were excited to have Steve’s parents there to celebrate with us, and our friends and acquaintances were so sweet in their congratulations and words of encouragement. But the best thing about today was this: I realized that, through my amazing little Baby Girl, God is granting me more courage than I have ever had. Courage to love. Courage to speak up. Courage to serve. Courage to just be me. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined these little “side” gifts that God gives you when He gives you a child. Wow. I am so not worthy, and I am okay with that, because this is all a GIFT.


  1. UHHHH...INSIDE SCOOP? MOVE!! Immediately, if not sooner, ha! Or report them...or do something cause I would so be worried about that too! ha!

    yay!! I'm so excited you have a blog!! AWESOME! :) And I love it so far! Keep up the good work! Blogs are so contagious...I think because they open us all up to being so honest, which in my opinion, is so needed and desired.

    ANYWAY, welcome girl! :)


    oh yes, congrats to sydney on her dedication! So special!

  2. your blog was great! becoming a parent is so amazing. it definitely brings out the best (and worst sometimes) in all of us! :)

    and yeah, i think i would report my neighbors or ask to switch apartments or something.

    Good luck with that!

  3. Thanks for the comments ladies! Arg...yeah I think it's time to let the cat out of the bag.

  4. The weed story made me laugh...this is what I love about blogs; finding out really random things about people that I would otherwise probably never know! I'd personally go down to a local police station and file a report (so they don't actually come to your front door to get the report) and tell them you'd like to remain anonymous!

  5. You are so funny!Unless they are blowing smoke in her face it will not hurt her or you...promise. If they leave you will probably end up with a loud and crazy crack dealer or something of the sorts...I'd let it be if I were you. Sis.

  6. @ Juli: Even if that's true I can't stand the smellllll!!! Skunk!! Damariz suggested I talk to them and ask them to move it - I think I'm going to, cause it seems like wherever they have it growing it has direct access to that one closet with the vent in the hallway. I'd hate to get them in trouble...they're nice guys and aren't meaning any harm.

  7. Oh man! This made me laugh! What an intro to the blog world. =) ahahahah!

    Welcome, it's a fun ride.

    P.S. how did the marijuana situation turn out?

  8. @Us Four: I haven't addressed it yet - dreading it, but I am planning on talking to them and asking them to "move it". My husband's like, so you're going to accuse them of growing it? I'm like... I guess?! I don't know how to go about saying it but I'd rather talk to them than get them arrested or something!

  9. Ah Rose, I always knew you were a smart one! :)Ok sis, I get it, if you are really bothered by the smell (it is pretty bad when your heater turns on) then say something...I would say something like "howdie fine neighbor, have you guys noticed that skunky smell?" "I just can't seem to find the sorce, are you guys having the same problem?" "I sure hope there isn't anything growing in the attic, like mold or whatever..."
