Sunday, April 11, 2010

Some Good Pics, a Happy Easter, and Such

Wow. This week has been adventurous...and I guess a little confusing for Syd (see above pic to get a better idea of her utter bewilderment).

I went back to work (AND left the baby overnight while we celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary – more on that tomorrow.) Yep – went back to work just twelve hours a week. It’s just enough time for me to feel like I have something of my own going on without missing the baby too too much. Stephen’s mom Janice is watching Syd while I’m gone. She is AMAZING with her and it’s easy to tell that this child is always going to have a strong attachment to her Grandma.

I was a bit worried about the whole bottle situation, because Sydney sometimes refuses to take one. The transition went smoothly for the most part. I say for the most part, because when I come home at about 7:30 from my evening shifts, she is plain ‘ol MAD at me. And she doesn’t try to hide it. On Tuesday, I could hear her hollering when I got out of the car in the driveway. When I came in and tried to feed her, she would suck a few times, then look me straight in the eyes and yell for a few seconds, then suck again. This child actually tells me off.  How dare I take those precious milk-making boobies away from her for three whole hours?!?!…oh God please save me from her teenage years.

Something else that's been on my mind...

Little did I know how familiar I would become with bodily fluids. Sydney is a “projectile-puker”. Any of you moms have one of those babies? Steve and I fight over who has to hold her after she eats, cause half of what she just ate is sure to come right back up, and you never know where it’ll land.

And then there’s the poop…the exploding poop that somehow seems to miss the diaper and completely cover her outfit. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I can’t get too excited about a cute new outfit I put on her, as it won’t last long. Here she is waiting for me to get her bath ready after one such incident…

Honestly though, the bodily fluids seem to bother Steve a whole lot more than they bother me. I realized this the other night when he asked me if I thought I could wash our sheets the next day. “Why??” I asked, “I just washed them.” He went on to remind me that the baby had puked and peed on them numerous times within the last 24 hours. Hmmmm…hadn’t thought of that.

On to more pleasant issues…

Sydney’s had her first Easter!!! She was so beautiful in her dress (that took me all day on Saturday to find btw, and it still wasn’t really what I was looking for. I think the retail world forgot about Easter this year.) She loved the dress anyway…sucked on the big white bow almost all day.

We went to church at SFL and Syd had the time of her life being passed around and held by so many people. She even stayed awake for two hours without getting fussy J

 Syd with Hannah - looking a little concerned for some reason, but I promise she loved you Hannah!

Syd with Danae

Lovin' Cristina and "Ria"

First Easter as a family of three :)

Anyway, that’s all for now… I just wanted to show you all some cute pics and give an update on our weekend/week. I hope all of you had a great Easter (I’m late, I know!)

Happy Sunday,



  1. I can totally relate to the bodily fluids comment! i have slept in puke, pee and even a little poop on many occasions! Shiloh-Grace was a major vomiter...we used receiving blankets as burp rags so our backs and arms would stay somewhat vomit free. and for the pooping up the back problem... I always put a onesie on her under her clothes to help catch the poop. They will both fade away in a few more months...don't worry. :)

    Sydney looked beautiful on easter by the way!

  2. ahhh the dress turned out perfect!! She is darling and it looks like she got lots of love.

    As Cheyenne said, I slept in it all as well.:( Jake was a MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR spitter. Seriously, it was amazing the kid could gain any weight. It got better once he could sit up and went away for good just before 1. All I can suggest is the Gerber cloth diapers, plain white. Don't bother with those fancy ones as they don't wash well, and invest in a bunch of cute bibs. I'll give you some etsy sites. :)

    And poop...have you tried a different diaper? Jake pooped through Huggies. They did nothing for him, but pampers absorbed much better for us.

    Well that's it for my annoying advice haha. I'm sure you really wanted all that info.


  3. I'm glad to know I'm not alone!! I've been washing baby clothes pretty much every day. And we have tried every diaper...all the same poop-up-the-back problem. I'm beginning to think I'm bad at putting them on!! Oh well...


    I think that is hysterical she was so mad at you for leaving her for three hours! :) However, the exploding poop does not sound like fun.

    Syd is so adorable!

  5. Ok, so the pic at the top...Pat and I just about peed ourselves laughing so hard! Man I love my lil crazy niece!

  6. Samuel once had terribly explosive poo; right in the middle of a staff meeting at church. I was a new mom and easily embarrassed by my baby and his bodily fluid accidents. To avoid having the mess in my lap, I plopped him up on the table and pulled off his diaper, and then watched in horrified awe as it just kept coming out. I used all my wipes and the church secretary jumped up, grabbing paper towels, and had to hold his legs up while I tried to contain the mess. Some people tried to keep talking business but most just watched in...amazement? Horror? Amusement?

    And once he puked milk all over me as I sat in the car nursing. All over my church outfit, the leather seats, the car door, the floor....

    The bodily fluid accidents are many, my friend. You just get better at handling them out in public! I always have spare clothes for the kids in the car, extra diapers and wipes, and I try to not freak out when things go explosively wrong.

    And all of our bedding is washable. Have fun my friend! This is the gross part of mommyhood but it's funny how much better we can handle it than our tough men!
