Thursday, April 22, 2010

Confession (Minus the Holy Water)

Being a non-Catholic and all, I’ve never actually gone to confession, although I imagine it would be quite therapeutic. Maybe I’ll go someday – just for fun. I feel like peeling back a layer today, so here’s my version of going to confession – without the holy water though, cause you never know who’s peed in it.

-I run from making new commitments for fear of failure or letting people down.

-I have a habit of biting the skin around my nails so much that they often bleed.

-I don’t like clothes. The thought of living in Hawaii and wearing only a bathing suit and flip flops for the rest of my life sounds ideal.

-I went through a period of time during Bible College when I didn’t believe in God. I was too ashamed to tell anyone, and it was the most scary, hopeless feeling I’ve ever experienced.

-I can type about 85 WPM and have so much fun doing so that I’ve often thought about how great it would be to be a typist who is required to create the captions for the deaf on TV (if that was even a real job. I’m sure it’s done electronically, right?)

-Michelle Duggar is one of my current idols.

-Paula Abdul was my one-and-only childhood idol. Too bad she didn’t last on AI L

-I love my family so much that it sometimes hurts. I feel pain seeing them or thinking about them going through a hardship or a low in their lives. This is one reason why I do better emotionally not living near them.

-I almost always have chocolate hidden from my husband in secret spots around the house.

Did you learn something new about me? I’d like to learn something new about all of you blog-readers (since I know there are droves of you out there, just continuously refreshing this page until I write a new post. Right?!) Want to go to confession?? Feel free to leave a comment J

Happy Thursday,



  1. I would like to confess that:

    A. I find things to feel guilty about, like eating an entire full size bag of Ruffles by myself. Obviously I don't have to look that far.

    B. I hate talking on the phone

    C. I used to wish to be a ninja but now I wish I was some sort of traveling

    D. I watch soap operas...god help me!

  2. hahaha Rose!!! Oh wow...that #D is hysterical!

    Seriously, I am so tired right now I can't think of one thing to confess that I haven't already blabbed already. all I can think of right now is this:

    I could eat an entire maple scone and chai latte from starbucks for dinner and never blink an eye.

    sorry, I'm hungry right now and that's all I can think of.

    and I bite the skin around my nails and I'm afraid of commitment as well. ha. It took me 3 years to marry my husband and even then i freaked out. but its all good he's the best guy ever.


  3. Love this post. Here is my confession:

    I hate commitment, maybe that's why I always change jobs.

    I love to use a British accent when I am reading aloud (but of course when no one is listening)!

    I like to sing to my brush (of course, it's really a microphone!) and dance to various CD's when I'm home alone. Too bad I can't carry a tune or have rhythm though ... probably scares the neighbors!

    I like to hoola hoop on the Wii fit......looks really funny....but i like it and I huff and puff by the time I am done. :)

  4. so much fun....and one thing I'm so glad you mentioned is that you often bite the skin around your nails till they bleed. I DO THIS TOO! All of my life...chomp, chomp, chomp...I can barely get a manicure out of fear that I will ruin it almost immediately. Lord help us...

    I could eat dessert each and every day (although I also try NOT to eat dessert each and every day. But if they had no calories, I doubt I would eat regular food)

    Sometimes I feel like I have no friends. wow...that sounds super lame. But, true. *blushes*

    I sing all of the time...oh and whistle when I'm not singing. It's hard to stop.

    I have to learn how to say no. Sometimes I say yes way too much and then I'm worn out and feel negative, and it's all because I don't say no and give myself boundaries.

    I am addicted to Anthropologie..and 80% of the time I go in there, I leave with nothing. I just like to look and touch and look and touch some more. ;)

    OK, enough about me. Thanks for this post. I liked learning new things about you and the other commenters. fun fun

    Love, D

  5. Awww Emi, thanks for sharing!!

    Here are my confessions: I feel like I did not choose to be girl, that this was decided for me. This DOES NOT mean I wanted to be a boy.. just that a girl human body feels so confining!

    I pray most often while driving and listening to music. If I ever show up at your house and my eyes are red from crying, it's not because I am sad, but because I cried at some point on the way up there while talking to God, and my eyes can stay red for awhile.

    I also hate routines. Ughhhhh to routines. If my life could be constant adventure I would not mind.

    Most of the time, I feel like my parents have really never known me, nor do they know how to know me, or even want to. This is especially true of my dad, who does not even know himself very well.

    Ummmm... lets see... I too could live happily ever after in a bikini top and shorts, and that would go a long way towards making me truly happy.

    This is not too much of a secret but I LOVE.. AND I MEAN LOVE being in an empty building. The bigger the building the better!! I have gone walking at night with my dog and totally climbed into homes being demolished or built JUST to walk inside the unfinished walls all alone. It absolutely completes me. Weird I know.

    I sometimes wish I had been born a gypsy who made a living dancing across exotic lands.

    I went through a phase in high school where I had horrible nightmares EVERY night for nearly 4 years, until I started telling everyone who would listen, that I did not believe that God was real, because in all my nightmares, evil creatures would be doing horrible things to my parents, especially my dad.

    I have a hard time relating to people who don't like being outside.

    I am grateful I grew up poor because it helps to keep me grounded remembering that my mom used to go through the garbage for bread and that my dad put himself through college picking fruit in the central valley.

    And.. I am so proud to come from a culture where color and music and hospitality still dominate the experience of the whole country. I know the US has a lot to offer, and I am not ungrateful, but there is something amazing when you can go to the town where you're grandparents were born, and build a fire in the middle of the street, and have total strangers stop and hang out to eat tamales with you and enjoy some hot chocolate.

    And my last confession.. I am really really shy.

  6. Love this post Em! Here are a few of my confessions:

    1. I love tape. I go through so much scotch tape at work just because I love to feel it stick to my fingers. I know it's weird.

    2. I would spend time any day with my in-laws over hanging out with my dad. Isn't that horrible? But, I do have the best in-laws a girl could ask for!

    3. I watch some of the dumbest shows on TV, like shows that air on MTV and E!.

    4. I daydream way to much.

    5. I can walk away from any relationship at the drop of a hat. I don't attach myself to people. I think it has to do with how much I moved around the US while growing up. The first time caused me so much heartache and pain that I never allowed myself to become to attached to people after that.

    6. I am afraid of becoming a parent, because I fear that I will turn into a horrible parent like my dad.

    7. I mostly live for the weekends.

    8. I am addicted to lip gloss.

    9. I feel like I have no talent.

    10. I also type really fast. I scored 109 WPM on a typing test. Is that a talent? HAHA!

    I enjoyed reading everyone's confessions! :)

  7. Thanks so much everyone for the comments - LOVED to learn more about all of you :) And Hannah...yes, typing that fast is definitely a talent!!

  8. These are awesome! Love them! when people take down walls and show who they REALLY are!

    Like Amy, I am a pretty open book so most of my friends know my dark secrets. But I'll try to think of a few more...

    1) Yeah, I do the nail/skin thing. Ew. And I HATE HATE HATE long toenails on people so much that I keep mine as short as possible, and they don't look glamorous, just really short.

    2) I love the cheap chocolate coated donuts from gas stations, where the weird chocolate stuff coats the roof of your mouth. Yum.

    3) I'm GREAT at having good ideas and brainstorms. But don't ask me to follow through with them because likely, I won't. I'm bad at completing projects, just great at starting them. I don't procrastinate, I just lose interest and want to move on to the next exciting idea.

    4) Sometimes when I'm alone (which is rare now), I crank up something like "How Do I Live Without You" and dance around the living room to it as if I were a very talented dancer (I'm so NOT). It's liberating though.

    5) I like to daydream myself to sleep with the same theme: what I would do if I won a lottery of like...382 million dollars.

    Fun fun! I may have to borrow this idea for a future blog post of my own :)
